The team

The project brings together two research teams. The first at the IPSL based in Paris and the Paris region and the second at ONERA based in the Paris region but also throughout France.


Olivier Boucher – Located at Sorbonne University

Director of research at the CNRS, affiliated to the IPSL of which he is deputy director and co-Leader of the Climate Modelling Centre.
Head of the Climate, Chemistry and Ecosystems team at the Hadley Centre, UK Met Office from 2005 to 2011.
Regular contributor to the work of the IPCC, author of the special report “Aviation and the Global Atmosphere” published in 1999.
Between 2015 and 2017, he coordinated an interdisciplinary team of researchers to assess the national contributions submitted under the Paris Agreement.
Coordinator with ONERA for the preparation of the Climaviation research programme.

Nicolas Bellouin – Located at Sorbonne University

Climate scientist, Nicolas uses satellite observations and climate models to quantify the climate impacts of atmospheric particles, which interact with sunlight, clouds, vegetation, and other components of the Earth system.
Nicolas is a Lead Author of Chapter 3 of the 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
He is Professor of Climate Processes at the University of Reading, United Kingdom, and executive director of the research programme Climaviation at Sorbonne Université, France.

Didier Hauglustaine – Located at Gif-Sur-Yvette

Director of Research at CNRS, Didier Hauglustaine has 30 years of research experience in atmospheric sciences.
He works in the field of atmospheric chemistry modelling and studies climate-chemistry interactions with a focus on tropospheric ozone evolution and on the atmospheric nitrogen cycle.
In Climaviation, he is co-leader in axis 2 on the atmospheric chemistry.

Jean-Louis Dufresne – Located at Sorbonne University

Director of research at the CNRS, affiliated to the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (LMD) and to the IPSL.
A climate physicist, his research focuses on climate change, climate modelling, radiation exchange and the greenhouse effect.
Coordinator for several years for the development of the IPSL climate model.
Contributor to the latest IPCC work.

Yann Cohen – Postdoctoral researcher, located at Gif-Sur-Yvette

His thesis focused on ozone and carbon monoxide in the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere over the last decades, particularly in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere.
Postdoctoral researcher in atmospheric chemistry. He is working on the evaluation of chemistry and climate models, particularly the LMDz-INCA model, using observational data from commercial aircraft.

Nicolas Gourgue – Research engineer, located at Sorbonne University

Holder of a master’s degree in information processing, he participated in projects on the detection and classification of blood cells. During 18 months, he improved a data processing chain for the evaluation of climate models.
He is working on image processing for automatic contrails detection using hemispherical camera.

Julie Carles – PhD Student, located at Sorbonne University

Holds a Master’s degree in Ocean, Atmosphere and Climate Science. She studied the influence of environmental conditions on the diurnal cycle of trade wind cumulus clouds during an internship at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD).
PhD student in Climaviation, she investigates the radiative effects of contrails and cirrus clouds by taking into account the surrounding cloud populations as well as the horizontal and vertical heterogeneities of cloud properties.

Jean-Charles Dupont – Located at Palaiseau

After completing a thesis on “Quantifying the radiative impact of cirrus clouds at the surface”. His activities are divided into three areas: (1) research actions on fog and boundary layer processes, (2) service actions centred around SIRTA as scientific and technical PI of several instruments but also leading various communication actions, and (3) teaching actions via practical work and leading summer schools on SIRTA.
He is also very active in various international networks such as ACTRIS-EU, ACTRIS-FR or GRUAN.

Christophe Pietras – Located at Palaiseau

Research Engineer at the CNRS and Technical Manager of the SIRTA observatory since 2004, responsible for the Lidar observation chain for aerosol studies.
Represents SIRTA within the European research infrastructure ACTRIS for Lidar observation activities.

Marc-Antoine Drouin – Located at Palaiseau

Application development engineer in charge of the processing chains of the SIRTA observatory.

Grégoire Dannet – Located at Sorbonne University

After graduating from a french engineering school, Grégoire went to Sweden for two years to follow a master’s degree in aeronautics, where he chose to study the conceptual design of a hydrogen-powered aircraft during his master’s thesis. Realising that the climate impact of aviation is not just about CO2 emissions, he decided to join the Climaviation project.
He is responsible for the proper management and communication of the project and manipulates flight databases to study trajectories and accurately calculate CO2 emissions.

Sidiki Sanogo – Postdoctoral researcher, located at Sorbonne University

His PhD thesis has focused on the observations and modeling of extreme precipitation events in the Sahelian region at interannual and seasonal time scales. Postdoctoral researcher in climate modeling in Climaviation, he is working on the calibration of the supersaturation parameterization of the LMDZ climate model in the upper troposphere using ERA5 reanalysis data and IAGOS (In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System) data and on the estimation of the radiative forcing of contrails-cirrus.

Xinyue Wang – Postdoctoral researcher, located at Sorbonne University

Holds a PhD degree in Geophysics. Xinyue was a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) research fellow during the Doctoral course. She focused on the cloud-circulation covariation crossing different spatiotemporal scales, and developed a cloud retrieval model with a deep neural network.
She is now a postdoctoral researcher at IPSL, investigating the lifecycle of contrail and contrail-induced cirrus, mainly by using satellite observations.

Nicolas Février – PhD Student, located at Sorbonne University

Holder of a Master’s degree in Earth Climate Studies (Université Paris-Saclay), his Master’s internship within the Climaviation project focused on the atmospheric transport of aerosols emitted by aircraft and the resulting impacts on the climate.
His thesis – directed by Nicolas Bellouin and Didier Hauglustaine – goes into this question in greater depth and also addresses the issue of air quality. He uses the LMDZ general circulation model for this work.

Audran Borella – PhD Student, located at Sorbonne University

After studying at the frontier between physics, geosciences and the environment at the École normale supérieure (ENS), Audran is now a PhD student under the supervision of Olivier Boucher and Étienne Vignon (LMD/IPSL).
His PhD focuses on modelling the climat impact of contrails. Audran is also working on the various metrics for quantifying this impact, and on contrail avoidance strategies by diverting commercial flights within operational scenarios.

Audrey Lecouffe – Postdoctoral researcher, located at Sorbonne University

After studying Geosciences at the University of Lille, Audrey completed a PhD on the evolution and persistence of Arctic and Antarctic stratospheric vortexes over the last few decades, at LATMOS, IPSL. As a postdoctoral researcher at Climaviation, she is working on developing the OSCAR model for the aviation sector in order to determine the future impact of aviation emissions under different scenarios.

Vincent Caillé – Postdoctoral researcher, located at Sorbonne University

PhD in astrophysics, his thesis focused on machine learning data analysis and mesoscale modelling of CO2 clouds in Martian polar nights. At Climaviation, he is now working on the impact of aerosol emissions from aviation on the formation and development of clouds in the Earth’s atmosphere using a very high-resolution model.

Farshid Nazari – Postdoctoral researcher, located at Sorbonne University

His research has been on atmospheric dynamics and dynamical core development. He continues his research at Climaviation on dynamical aspects of aviation emitted aerosol cloud interaction using large eddy simulation models.

French Aerospace Lab

Vincent Brion – Located at Meudon

Research engineer at the Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity and Acoustics Department of ONERA.
In charge of the wind tunnels at the Meudon centre. Research activities on the dynamics of vortex wakes, compressible aerodynamics and experimental methods in aerodynamics.
Head of the DGAC Phywake project between 2015 and 2020, which focused on the dynamics of aircraft wakes and their influence on contrails.

Fabien Gand – Located at Meudon

Member of the “Advanced Turbulence Modelling and Simulation” research unit of the DAAA department of ONERA.
Development of turbulent scale resolution modelling and its implementation in ONERA’s major aerodynamic codes. The use of this type of modelling is a research path to improve the understanding of the jet/vortex interaction in the near field of aircraft, a phenomenon which participates in the formation of contrails.

Claire Sarrat – Located at Toulouse

After a PhD in atmospheric physics on the modelling of atmospheric pollution on a regional scale and a post-doctorate on the modelling of surface-atmosphere CO2 interactions at the CNRM (French national meteorological service), her research activities at ONERA focus on the environmental impact of aviation. The aim is to assess the contribution of aircraft to atmospheric pollution within the operational constraints of air traffic.
Within Climaviation, she is co-leader for axis 6 on air traffic optimisation strategies for the minimisation of its climatic impact.

Ismael K. Ortega – Located at Meudon

Member of the Department of Multi-Physics for Energetics at ONERA since 2015 where he works on the characterisation of aircraft engine emissions.
Coordinator of several ONERA projects and European projects (ANR and RTO, AVIATOR and ALTERNATE).
From 2007 to 2013, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki and Stockholm where he focused his research in understanding the formation of aerosol particles in the atmosphere.
In 2013, he joined the Laboratory of Physics of Lasers, Atoms and Molecules PhLAM at the University of Lille where he focused on the characterisation of aircraft engine emissions.

Frédéric Moens – Located at Meudon

Research engineer in aerodynamics in the Civil Aircraft unit, specialising in low speed.
Frédéric conducts both numerical and experimental studies.
He has participated in French (DGAC Sillage Convention, PHYWAKE Convention, EASA PRF) or European (C-Wake, AWIATOR) studies on wake-vortex.

Pierre Saulgeot – Located at Palaiseau

After studying mathematics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), he completed a thesis in fluid mechanics under the supervision of Laurent Jacquin, Emmanuel Dormy, Nicolas Bonne and Vincent Brion, entitled “Study of jet/wake mixing and its effect on the evolution of contrails”. He is now a researcher at ONERA’s Multiphysics Department for Energy (DMPE), studying, among other things the evolution of contrails.

Lionel Tessé – Located at Chatillon

Lionel Tessé works in the Multiphysics Department for Energy (DMPE) on the modelling and simulation of radiative transfers, mainly in reactive flows (combustion chambers, atmospheric re-entry plasmas, etc.). He develops the ASTRE code based on a Monte Carlo method.
Within the framework of the Climaviation agreement, the ASTRE code will be adapted and applied to condensation trails and induced cirrus clouds in order to estimate their radiative forci

Karine Caillaut – Located at Palaiseau

Karine Caillault holds a PhD in Physical Methods in Remote Sensing from the University of Paris 7 – Denis Diderot. She has been a research engineer at the Department of Optics and Associated Techniques of ONERA since 2000.
Since 2011, she has been working on the statistical evaluation of atmospheric transmission in the presence of clouds and aerosols and on the development of climatological databases of clouds and aerosols by exploiting satellite measurements and reanalyses of meteorological models.

Etienne Terrenoire – Located at Palaiseau

Atmospheric dispersion modeller, Etienne joined the ONERA as a senior scientist in 2018.
PhD in air quality modelling from the University of Lille in 2009. He also graduated earning a BSc in Meteorology in 2003 at the University of Reading, U.K.
He worked on numerous national and international research projects related to the urban/regional air quality modelling (EC4MACS, AVIATOR) and the impact of aircraft emissions on climate (VOLCAN, CIRRUS-H2 as coordinator, SENECA). His domain of modelling expertise ranges from local to global scale. In Climaviation, he will be involved mainly in the Axis 1 and 2.

Aurélie Bouchard – Located at Palaiseau

She holds a PhD on Physical Methods in Remote Sensing from the University of Paris 6 – Pierre et Marie Curie and has been since 2010 a research engineer in atmospheric physics in the Lightning, Plasma and Applications team.
Within the framework of the agreement, her work focuses on the simulation of condensation trails at intermediate scales.

Magalie Buguet – Located at Palaiseau

She holds a PhD in atmospheric physics from the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse and has been a research engineer since 2013 in the Lightning, Plasma and Applications team of the DPHY department.
Within the framework of the Climaviation agreement, her activity focuses on the development of an ageing simulation of condensation trails in the intermediate field.

Marie Couliou – Located at Meudon

Research engineer at DAAA in the AMES experimental aerodynamics unit working on vortex dynamics.