Other relevant projects

ACACIA, Advancing the Science for Aviation and Climate

A Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action coordinated by the DLR-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, started in January 2020. In total, 11 participants from 7 European countries cooperate in ACACIA

FlyATM4E, Flying Air Traffic Management for the benefit of environment and climate

The main objective of the FlyATM4E project is to expand approved climate-assessment methods and optimization of aircraft trajectories in order to identify promising mitigation options suitable to solve the task of reducing overall climate impact of aircraft operations.


ALTERNATE intends to enlarge the aviation sustainable fuel framework, starting with the possible use of more feedstocks and sustainable production pathways


The European-Chinese Research and Innovation project GreAT aims to reduce aviation’s impact on climate change across continents.

STRATOFLY, Stratospheric Flying Opportunities for High-Speed Propulsion Concepts

STRATOFLY studies the feasibility of high-speed passenger stratospheric flight. Technological, environmental and economic factors, that allow the sustainability of new air space’s exploitation, are taken into account, drastically reducing transfer time, emissions and noise, and guaranteeing the required safety levels. In addition, STRATOFLY represents the first step towards future reusable launchers.