
The fourth scientific axis gathers existing data and acquires additional observations in order to extract information that will allow an evaluation and recalibration of the mainly numerical results on which the study of atmospheric mechanisms is based. The possibilities of new instruments that could be developed to acquire additional data are also explored. Emphasis is placed on contrail observation data.

The first objective is to survey existing observational data on contrails and to develop algorithms for massive processing, in order to create a database that can be used for the evaluation and recalibration of results obtained by numerical simulation to describe the evolution of contrails at different scales.

Images of the whole sky camera of the Site Instrumental de Recherche par Télédétection Atmosphérique (SIRTA) of 8 July 2016.

The second objective is to acquire additional data beyond those collected in the framework of the exploitation of existing data.

Instrumentation at the SIRTA site

The third objective is to exploit observations of contrails, clouds and atmospheric chemistry to evaluate the models.

Radar LIDAR at the SIRTA site